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How we are evaluated


  • In this category the AIB judges will be looking for flower beds, containers, baskets and window boxes showing originality of design, diversity and yet, balance and harmony as well as the use and integration of annuals, perennials, ornamental grasses and bulbs. When possible, an all season plan and finally, of course, they will note the quality of maintenance.

  •  In the municipal segment, they will want to see strong leadership and a clear plan of action.  And, finally, clear evidence of wide community involvement. 


How Coshocton excels in this category


Each spring, the Coshocton in Bloom (CIB) organization begins the planning process of planter/hanging basket maintenance, purchase of plant material, soil and fertilizer and the scheduling of planting activities. Early in the year CIB chooses a color pallet for the upcoming year. These colors are used in all our plantings, marketing, and education/training materials. Special attention is given to new varieties to introduce, hardiness, and complementary plantings. Height and mature size are a consideration. A few hanging vegetables are even added to the baskets surrounding the farmer’s market area! Coshocton’s most notable floral attraction is the numerous planters and hanging baskets installed around the court square, as well as, throughout the entire business district and Main Street.

The lead person for the floral committee is Municipal Judge, Tim France. He has a passion for gardens and gardening across our community. As a former OSU Master Gardener, he has volunteered hundreds of hours planning the planting, caring and sustainability of the numerous planters and court square gardens. As a judge, he can recruit volunteer helpers from every sector, even “trustees” from the jail. Every year Tim works with the local greenhouse, the Garden Patch, to purchase new planters, soil, plants, fertilizer, and other necessary equipment. The floral committee works together to plant and install “proven winners” floral displays for the coming year. All volunteers are educated on how to maintain the general health of each plant. Each spring CIB conducts a fund-raising campaign to support all activities. New this year is the CIB greenhouse project where our plants are grown, and containers planted. This was a $300,000 project.

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Coshocton in Bloom provides a framework for continuous beauty by promoting community enhancement programs through the use of flowers, plants, and trees.   We want everyone to continue being proud to live in Coshocton!

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1221, Coshocton 43812

© 2023 by Coshocton in Bloom

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